Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Knights from Msgr. Anthony G. Weiler Assembly 1207 helped bring Christmas cheer to veterans and spouses by co-sponsoring a Christmas party for residents of the veterans home at Union Grove, Wis.

Residents of Boland Hall were treated to a Christmas party Dec. 5, including culinary treats, root beer floats, live music and a visit from Santa Claus. Seven Knights from Assembly 1207 and Council 697 wheeled residents around the facility so they could enjoy the holiday activities and treats.

In addition, Assembly 1207 donated toward the cost of the party, and provided restaurant gift certificates to 40 residents of the third floor of Boland Hall. Veterans groups and area businesses also supported the Christmas party. Sir Knight Tom Goetz organized the K of C involvement.

Lending a hand with the party were Sir Knights Bill Pinnow, Tom Goetz, Cal Converse, Jim Sisak, John Shelby and John Clark; and Brother Knight Mike Benner from Council 697.

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