Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Knights from Msgr. Anthony G. Weiler Assembly 1207 helped bring Christmas cheer to veterans and spouses by co-sponsoring a Christmas party for residents of the veterans home at Union Grove, Wis.

Residents of Boland Hall were treated to a Christmas party Dec. 5, including culinary treats, root beer floats, live music and a visit from Santa Claus. Seven Knights from Assembly 1207 and Council 697 wheeled residents around the facility so they could enjoy the holiday activities and treats.

In addition, Assembly 1207 donated toward the cost of the party, and provided restaurant gift certificates to 40 residents of the third floor of Boland Hall. Veterans groups and area businesses also supported the Christmas party. Sir Knight Tom Goetz organized the K of C involvement.

Lending a hand with the party were Sir Knights Bill Pinnow, Tom Goetz, Cal Converse, Jim Sisak, John Shelby and John Clark; and Brother Knight Mike Benner from Council 697.

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Friday, December 18, 2009


Supreme Knight Carl Anderson is urging all Knights of Columbus across America to contact their U.S. Senators immediately to register opposition to the health care reform bill. In its current form, it would mandate abortion coverage in private insurance and allow use of federal funds for elective abortions. A vote could take place before Christmas.

“The U.S. Bishops are asking all Catholics to contact their Senators to urge them to not support the bill in its current form and amend the bill so it upholds longstanding policies against the federal funding of abortion,” Anderson wrote in a letter to state deputies.

Anderson invoked the writings of Pope John Paul II in his encyclical Evangelium Vitae, stating that Christians and all people of good will are “not to cooperate formally in practices which, even if permitted by civil legislation, are contrary to God's law.”

Contact U.S. Sen. Herb Kohl: (202) 224-5653; Fax (202) 224-9787

Contact U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold: (202) 224-5323; Fax (202) 224-2725

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Knights from Msgr. Stanley B. Witkowiak Council 697 handed out free Christmas cookies, kringle and hot chocolate on Racine’s Monument Square in the glow of the Nativity creche.

About 40 people came out on a windy, cold evening to pray, sing Christmas carols and celebrate the public display recalling Christ’s birth in Bethlehem more than 2,000 years ago.

Members of the St. Rita Catholic Church sang while Pastor Glenn Lawson of Plymouth Congregational Church played keyboard during the singalong portion of the event. Members of the Horlick High School Band played Christmas carols later in the program.

The event was notable because Catholics and other Christians came together to celebrate the birth of Christ on common ground. The Christmas Coalition of Churches, which co-sponsors the concert and the creche, is made up of more than 20 area Christian churches, the K of C and the Dominican nuns at Siena Center. Leaders at 105 area churches have expressed support for the public display of the creche.

It was the fourth year the Knights of Columbus has co-sponsored the event with the Christmas Coalition of Churches, comprised of more than 20 Christian churches in the Racine area. Knights installed the newly expanded creche display on Dec. 7.

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Friday, December 11, 2009


 Knights of Columbus councils from throughout southeastern Wisconsin are joining forces in a new effort to promote the “Keep Christ in Christmas” message through television, signage and public displays.

A growing list of K of C councils and assemblies have banded together under the name Knights for to purchase television commercials for broadcast to nearly 100,000 homes on Time Warner Cable in Racine, Kenosha and parts of Walworth counties.

The 30-second commercials feature a mosaic of the Nativity of Jesus from the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Images of the Nativity story are shown while a child’s voice is heard reading St. Luke’s Gospel narrative on the birth of Christ.

The commercials will air on a wide range of cable networks during December, including ABC Family, History Channel, Fox News, TBS, the Weather Channel and others. The spots will be tagged with the Web site address

The Web site includes suggestions for the general public to Keep Christ in Christmas by resisting the politically correct movement that seeks to censor the Christian nature of Christmas. It also includes a summary of the latest attempts nationwide to remove Christmas from the public square.

The Web site will also allow people to request Keep Christ in Christmas yard signs, vehicle magnets and static cling decals from their local Knights of Columbus council. Yard signs sell for a suggested $5 each. Magnets sell for $3 each.

Principal sponsors of the project include:
Msgr. Stanley B. Witkowiak Council 697, Racine
Msgr. Anthony G. Weiler Assembly 1207, Racine
• Msgr. Dreis Council 4831, Caledonia
• St. John Neumann Council 973, Kenosha
• St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe Council 8108, Wilmot

Monday, December 7, 2009


A group of Knights from Msgr. Stanley B. Witkowiak Council 697 erected an expanded Nativity creche on Racine’s Monument Square for the 2009 Christmas season. This year, Knights built a series of framed panels with painted depictions of the time of Christ’s birth.

Installation of the Nativity scene along Racine’s Main Street took about three hours, done with labor from 13 Knights and another eight men from the Christmas Coalition of Churches. It is the fourth consecutive year the Coalition and the Knights have sponsored the Nativity.

Grand Knight Don Veselik led a crew of Knights and ladies that built the new scenic panels, which extend from the manger like wings. Weatherproof frames and stands were made for the color posters, which show scenes ranging from “no room at the inn” to the Holy Family’s flight into Egypt. The panels were built within the past week at Veselik’s workshop.

The Christmas Coalition of Churches includes nearly two dozen area Catholic and other Christian churches. More than 100 area churches have expressed support for the project in 2009. The annual effort is organized by Bob Wortock of Wind Point.

After the creche was finished, the men gathered in a circle and offered prayers of thanksgiving for the Christian unity that sustains the Nativity project. Just moments later the sun broke through the heavy clouds and bathed the scene in sunlight.

Knights and others who assisted with the project included Veselik, Bill Frayer, Chet and Helen Leskowicz, Warner Williams, Victor Kendall, John Murphy, Doc Strandell, John Shelby, Jim Marks, Cal Converse, Herb Spalla, Jim Corona and Joe Hanneman.

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